
Showing posts from September, 2018

ocalhoun is an author of (mostly) safe-for-work horsewords, posting on

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O. C. Calhoun O. C. Calhoun ocalhoun ocalhoun Dirty Little Secret (FimFiction) Dirty Little Secret (FimFiction) Dirty Little Secret (Furry) Dirty Little Secret (Furry) Patreon (MLP) Patreon (Furry) ocalhoun on FimFiction Dirty Little Secret on FimFiction Dirty Little Secret on Fur Affinity                                                                                                                                                       

Progress Report: 2800 words of Batsy Fluffentuft!

Nice chunk of progress to get things rolling! 2800 words down, and that's probably about half of what the chapter will end up being (hopefully). Putting Batsy down into a fancy restaurant full of fancy ponies is kind of fun! ^.^

Progress Report: Outline completed for Chapter 3 of Batsy Fluffentuft the Magnificent

... And it's every bit as magnificent as could be hoped for! Patreon supporters already have access and can read what's there so far. Batsy finally gets her date ... and her comeuppance. But as usual with her, there's a lot more to it than just that.

Progress Report: Batsy Fluffentuft!

Okay, so not really all that tangible of progress, but I'm working on more Batsy Fluffentuft the Magnificent ! (I kind of decided to skip right to finishing this story because I still have a little extra time before school starts, and it just got eliminated from the Patreon vote ... but damn it, I'm going to finish this anyway!)